Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Adventure has Started!!!

What an incredible 45 days we have just been through  Two graduations, an engagement, Alan's retirement, and the beginning of our adventures!  We have been so busy so far that's its a good thing neither of us has work to get in the way. Mazel tov to all of our children, Leah for her MSU Graduation (Go Green!), Danny for his Andover Graduation (Go Blue!) and Steven and Tammy for their engagement- if you want to read an exciting and romantic engagement story, go to Moosespotting.Blogspot.Com and check out their post!

Alan's last day was June 30, We immediately left for our home in Charlevoix, aka "Hurvitz North".  Charlevoix is a beautiful city; we decided to buy a home there because it reminded us in many ways of Rehoboth, Delaware, where we spent 6 great summer vacations as a family. We are a very short walk from downtown, and a block from Lake Michigan Beach- here is a picture of a sunset at the beach:

It's a great place to make new friends:

And to relax and let your hair down.

A number of homes in town were built by Earl Young, who designed them in a unique style; they are colloquially known as the "mushroom homes" (ours isn't one).  

Charlevoix's population swells from 3,000 year round to 30,000 in the summer, but it retains its small town charm and customs; here is the July 4 salute to the Armed Services at Round Lake

We'll be spending a lot more time up in Charlevoix so there will be more pictures and posts.  This time it was just Ruth and Alan, we saw a lot of friends and spent a lot of time thinking about the future.  We came back on July 4th, and now we are packed and ready to go to Vancouver, where we will catch a cruise ship to Alaska.  On to the next phase of our adventure!

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